
Showing posts from 2011

Christina Perri - A Thousand Years (Official Music Video)


My Kind of Twilight Love.

I've always been a Twilight Fan ever since my best friend got me hooked, since then her excitement for them has died off but mine still rings true. I have a Poster in my living room for crying out loud but never the less , this blog isn't about How much of a Fan I am . Its my thoughts on the central feeling of the whole story and the reason I get happy about it. Love , is a funny word it will make you do crazy things that you don't seem to want to do , but when you find that some one that you love very much you would do anything. I use to think I had that kind of love that , the love me and my ex-fiance had was timeless but it wasn't he left me alone , broken hearted . And now that brings me to a few small points , Edward is fictional , sadly The love he gives Bella  is real in this world , its just that it comes in many forms, it may not be in the one that we would like it to be . But its there we just have to find the magic in our heart to notice it and see it . &q

Forever and Always .

It had been forever , since he had seen her she had always been the apple of his eye. Even though he met someone else their love had ended . He wanted to see her once more , he got the last letter she had wrote before she had stopped writing he drove to the house. Little did he know that it was her mothers house now, he smiled in knowing that he would see her. He drove up to the house and knocked on the door he was met by a fat cat and her mother. She looked at him and knew right away who he was, come in she told him I have something to tell you . He looked at her not knowing what to say or to tell the woman he followed her inside. Pictures of her were all over the walls, Elena in a bride's dress Elena pregnant he began to be scared in wondering what was going on. Her mother sat down and offered a seat to him, "your wondering where she is aren't you?".He nodded she looked at him and then went for a box and a book, here is something for you to see. He was handed a phot