The Day in the Life .. of Well Me. Updates!

I think its been awhile since ive posted a blog about me, Dont worry that one is coming. This is mainly an update.
Life is hectic, most of my week is spent at church which I dont mind . Its what I do , most of my time is spent in the ministry. School is going well for the most part , taking Math again for the 3rd time and yes you heard me 3rd time. Seems to be going well , ive been holding down a C for most of the semester, I hope to raise it to a B. My other class is going well , the best that I can do. I often think about how much life is different from this time 3 years or 2 years ago. I often feel like that time of my life was teaching me about the years to come. Those who are barely tuning in to my personal blog, I was seeing someone and it was a semi-serious relationship. We lived together , shared a bank account, and the list goes on. I often now state that we had a bipolar relationship which is the whole truth. We had a good relationship , then we did not . I have wonderful memories , and I keep those close to me. He will always have that small piece of my heart no matter how many times I try to forget him .
Anyways, back to me life is different I look forward to different things I have different dreams. My heart is people , that is why I am anxious to graduate and start somewhere. Those who dont know my major is criminal justice with a minor in sociology. I want to do something for the better good. I get so many ideas when I read different things. Well we will see how it all goes..
This was a really random update...
Until next time.....


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