Halloween Time!

Now being who , I am personally I am not one who really goes out for Halloween. I have a few friends and family that do . I personally , do not feel like I should fully celebrate and I do not because I am christian. But honestly dont , mind candy I dont mind get together's and pumpkins. I love the cooler weather , and the breeze. Anything but , Sumner thats what I think , I know some people love it. But , its awesome now that there is cooler weather so what are my favorite activities?

  • I love fall walking , in the evening at dusk that is the best time for a walk.
  • I love watching real spooky shows , I hate fake horror. 
  • seeing all the lovely Halloween decorations.  
  • ALL my shows are back!!! fall new seasons come back and the list is long
  • watching holiday themed shows and movies!
I love doing all these things, because though fall is ok , its just one step closer to winter. And then its just one step closer to Christmas! Which is one of my favorite holidays . But I know that some folks 
So what does your family do? Do you go pick pumpkins? watch super scary movies? Go to haunted houses?


  1. We attend Fall festival at our church each year. Also this year I took the kids to a pumpkin patch. I stopped watching scary movies a looong time ago lol, as I feel they are evil and dark in their nature. But I do love Fall for much of the same reasons that you do...

  2. We usually just order takeout and watch scary movies like the scream movies. I do love watching the halloween decorations too.


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