
Showing posts from May, 2012

What a week ... im so glad its over!

what a week it has been and this new week has promised to be just as stressful and busy in a way. I got laid off work this week .. no regrets honestly . Just a little bit of .. honestly .. I have nothing bad to say about my old boss or my job. Just that they could have trained me better and gave me a rule book. I wish both teachers the best of luck, and non-stressful days. On a lighter note my wonderful boyfriend graduated from dispatch school , Im so proud of him and so is his family and mine. He has come a long way , and life will get better for us sooner or later we are young . Its just going to be a bit harder for us for a while , but what doesnt kill us makes us stronger. Summer I can say is definitively here ! it is so hot ! And im excited for the coming days! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I cant wait for vacation with my love! 

camerons graduation !!!! ~

My loves graduation ~ Everyone is soo proud of you! oxoxoxoxox

On the way back home From Santa Fe ~


Sanctus Real - Lead Me


Im still Christian , Why Do You Still look at me different?

This week has taught me a lot of lessons , Everybody can judge you without saying anything . And people change , Please keep in mind . I still have alot of respect for everybody who knows me personally and knows my journey and the things ive been through . But due to the choices ive made in my life , moved in with my fiance/boyfriend , took up a different job have a whole new life. Im still the same person , im still christian I still believe in god , and that he has a greater plan for me than just being in one place until I finish college . If you would have asked or told me a year or two years ago that I would be living with someone , not be going to school for a year , and working with kids. I might have looked at you funny and then brushed it off and went along with my business . But now its happening , and things are different and our plans are changing even also god is leading us different places , we wont be in this town for long . I have a feeling about it , we will ...

hahhaha , thats nice

well as of lately ,  Ive been back in my hometown , just hanging out and being with family and friends . And time has changed a lot , kids I use to know have grown up and are older babies are born . But as I say most days life goes on , and it does no matter what you seem to do or want to do . But Im no longer part of my hometown I chose to leave and be with someone I love very much. And apart from what others think im happy , Somedays may be stressful and hard in my new life . But heck to me its worth it I have my own freedom , Im with someone that I love very much . I dont care that it doesn't seem like the life for me , I am who , I am . Apart from my wonderful love , our kitty is just adventuresome and funny as the day we got her . This week , she has been sleeping with me and keeping me happy while my love is gone. She has recently been carrying a toy around like a doll , does a child . I think its so cute , and kinda funny when she does that she also...

Crazy Crazy world...

So another week has ended here ,  Got paid and then was broke an hour later ... sometimes being an adult sucks big time. This week at work was horrible , it seems like no one seemed to care about the schedule . I had to go in several hours earlier than I wanted , which I hated because it seemed like every parent seemed to drop their child off that certain day just to piss me off . Nobody seemed to care that I was the teacher , everybody just wanted to mess around thank-goodness I got leave early to go run errands . I was fixing to go hide in a closet, I was able to go to Clovis and get out of Fort Sumner , bought snickers more toys hee hee . I know I know I shouldnt spoil the cat but she is like a child to me and Cameron, granted we dont feed her our food . She has her cat food but she is a spoiled brat , Cameron babies her and so do I, most days when she isn't trying to eat my feet in the morning . But honestly she is a ...