Adopt a Solider , Sending Love Overseas
Its an ongoing thing , Soldiers face deployment every single day. Its hard out there and most arent the same as when they left. Sometimes they need a pick me up. And sometimes they need to know that someone is thinking about them. In this case many leave to go overseas without having anyone think about them. When mail call comes around they dont get their name called. For me this is an ongoing thing I have said as a college student . I only have the resources to sponsor one name but there are tons of names out there though many organizations. That help every solider know that they are loved. I try to send cards. And letters almost every week. I try to make it a habit to send a carepackage. Every month. I send items depending on the month and what is going on. I have pictures of Several boxes I have made including the Christmas box I just recently sent off. Most crave anything that just reminds them of home and that people out there are thinking about them. I send snacks, small games, hygiene items. If I get responses which I haven't , but thats fine, I try to personalize the box and get items they need or want. This can be a one time cause or something that is done year around. Just anything to help those who protect our freedom and everything we hold dear.
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