What Wonder Woman Taught me,

What Wonder Woman taught me ,
right now everyone is raving about the new wonder woman movie. For most people its just another movie that they will watch and enjoy. Not thinking about what is going on across the world. You see this woman , come alive on screen , she runs into danger and she fights "bad guys". I have seen countless photos of smaller girls wearing the outfit with grins on their faces. Embracing and seeing this woman on screen not afraid but rather going towards danger. I am 25 years old at the moment . Watching is movie for me , was like I was five again  seeing that a woman could be fearless and have emotions as well. To see a woman , command a presence when she goes to battle with men. I've talked about it before , I was raised by my mother I never knew my father until I was much older. I saw my mother strong raising a daughter on her own trying her best to make sure that I had a childhood.  
  All my life , I grew up with strong women who showed their own source of power. I watched females in roles that traditionally men had, firemen , policemen , military . As time went by , I saw more and more roles that were "traditionally" men roles . Women seem to take over with a passion , they shared the stage. Some even by passed men , and were held in a higher regard . Im not trying to have this mindset that we are now better than men. I am saying this movie now holds us on the same level. Smaller girls are looking at this , like smaller boys did and knowing that now anything is possible. A woman can be on the same level as a man is in the movies. What I am trying to get at , while praising this movie is Wonder Woman is not a fictional character , she is a mindset that grows in the hearts of small girls and women everywhere. Those who have the passion to chase after their dreams. Their own version , of being wonder woman in their own right. That may be a military career , or holding a position that  men do. Or maybe being an awesome teacher , or a mother everyone has their own version of wonder woman. Shes a mindset , and a spirit and passion that lives in all of us. Not just women , one of the scenes and I am trying not to spoil the movie ... Diana is a small girl looks about five years old . She sneaks away from her teacher yet again , to watch the warriors train , she watches them with wonder as they train. Soon she starts to copy moves and then she is caught. To see the dreams in her eyes and remember how it was like to dream... of something more to be something more. To have that passion that we can be anything we want to be , I hope you take that away from watching this movie.. Apart from the many other lessons that I can name and there are many and the list is long. I just hope you take a look at these and know.


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