Weight Loss Journey

If you follow me on my review blog you get tons of review of weight loss products. And me endorsing them they are real endorsements. I thought I would touch face on here about my weight loss journey that I have started. I was always one of those yo-yo dieters and that one person who always started eating healthy but then failed.
Breaking up , or rather taking a break from my relationship ive taken a long hard look at myself. I know I am not the hottest girl out there nor the prettiest or the skinniest to tell you the truth. I know I need to lose weight , without sugar coating it. I look at all these beautiful clothing and I want to wear them . I want to feel comfortable in my skin and want to feel loved for who I am in the skin I am in. Even though I felt loved I did not feel truly loved because that sad part of me was feeling like it was pity love. That my significant other was only in love with me , because he pitted me because no one else did . Looking back on it now , that is a ongoing thought in my head as I try to move on from it. Dont get me wrong , the circumstances behind our "breakup/break" from each other. Have me hoping someday , down the road we would start our relationship again. But the other more adult side is preparing for the worst to live life without him and moving on and preparing for life without him. But I need to make this change , unfortunately I did not take any before photos. But I have been on this journey since February . Its April now , a lot of people probably wonder which fad I am on. But its no fad really but I am planning on trying a weight loss system. To help curb my weight loss and bring it full spectrum. But for now , I am portioning my meals and watch what I eat. I try to hit the gym for an 1 hr 2 days a week. I take a boot camp class at the end of the week , to end the week with a high note. I have not had a caffeinated soda in weeks in unless I believe its a reward. But I have not felt the need for them anymore "yay me!" But I do drink sprite and any clear sodas when I feel like I would like one. Nothing dark , just clear and not caffeinated but lately its just been water I have been drinking. I have plans to buy a smoothie maker soon since I love making smoothies my favorite combo is banana's strawberries blueberries yogurt a cup of OJ . and milk and some ice. Blended wonderfully it makes for the best smoothie.
Its something to strive for that look in the mirror or when you put something on you really wanted to wear. And finally feel pretty in it and not disgusted . I know I feel as if I am hard on my self but I want this change for myself. My family especially my mother is behind me 100 percent. And she is my cheerleader you can say. None the less I want this change , and I am going to have this change no matter what. I just want to feel better in my skin and feel better in my clothing 
#onesizesmaller . 


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