What Attracts You On Love.

What attracts you on Love?
This isn't as much an open ended question as a question for debate. It is not really as specific as you would like. I mean what would attract me on love? what is the qualities that I look for in a potential boyfriend? Then there is the other question what does love mean to you?

I guess I can answer some or maybe all of these questions. Love is something that is unfiltered and raw. Something that can make you feel your best on one day. And then the next feel like the most alone person in the room. It can be a mother loving her kids enough to make sure they eat before her. Or someone as much as giving away their last dollar to someone so they can eat. Love can and does come in all shapes and sizes.
Then I guess comes with the open ended question , what does attract me to someone? Do I have a specific list? Must they meet certain qualifications? First I honestly dont feel as if I should do that to someone you cannot make them into something their not. Honestly I have a few basic rules , first you must have a job. I will not date a free loader I work hard for the little money I do have and I am not supporting someone. 2nd and the final thing , You must be christian  I let this rule slip last time. And though that was not the reason we broke up . I rather just not deal with that issue anymore. And those are my two simple rules. You just need to be yourself , and allow me to be myself and when it comes down to it thats all I ask for.


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