Sometimes you Just have to work at it.

Good Relationships , Dont Just happen they are built over a span of time . Sometimes are riddled with mistakes and sometimes things are just jumped quick. For example , my relationship is something that at the same is the most unperfect thing in the world. We jumped things way too quick, we moved in too quick and we did a lot of things way too quick. Our relationship does need work and  we do know it. Sometimes well all the time you need to be honest with yourself , sometimes change is good when thinking about a lot of things. As I'm not going into details because that is my private life , but honestly when thinking about it sometimes change is good. And sometimes change is needed when improving a relationship. You just have to work at it.


  1. I totally agree with you here. I also believe that if you find after working on it that only one person is in it or that maybe you are in at it alone. You may need to communicate and find out what is truly going on. I have been in those where things are going good until one (usually me) keeps doing things and working on ways to fit or be together and then one hop to another and those good things are not so good.

  2. we are working at our relationship and we have had our talk about everything. As I said.we are working on things. communication is the key


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