Its been a while , a lot has happened

Geez, its been a while 
I hardly write anything anymore .
Well as most people know I dont call Portales home anymore , I live in Fort Sumner with my boyfriend of 6 months Cameron. And as many people think but do not know , I haven't given up on college! I only left because of my health which is ok at the moment , given the fact that im getting over tonsillitis that one of my daycare kids gave me. I work in a daycare now , not all day since it seems like living here will only be two yrs or so. But honestly a lot has been happening in the Lucero/Nunez house or rather apartment . Cam , is working on enlisting in the military at the moment they dont know if they are going to accept him yet . while this is happening over things happen as well , I was going to go back to school over the summer and keep going at my degree in criminal justice. But Eastern isn't giving out any money help , only student loans, I already took two loans out to help pay for my apartment before I moved. So I dont need to take out anymore, due to the fact that I hated taking them out in the 1st place. Other than that im happy , a few rants about my job and some two faced people I work with but other than that life is fine . I work I earn money and Im finally with someone who I dearly love , and have fun with.My 2nd best friend in a way , while I have my 1st best friend living in portales. While I live here , and she is there I miss her a lot and miss having a lot of random girl time with her , but honestly we all got to go our separate ways somehow. But we still seem to keep in touch, after all we met in high school , and still are very good friends and know each other inside and out.I sorta want to rant about one quick thing about my job , we end the day at 5:30 sharp , not 5:40 or 5:50. So please come pick up your child before then . I hate to see kids watch their friends get picked up , at 5:10 , 5:20 or so and have to wait and sit there and watch the teacher clean up . When they want to go home too , And the look on the child's face is depressing . Sure you want to get your money's worth , but think about the child and how they feel being the last one picked up .When others get picked up so early , And then other part of my life I seem to keep private most days. My relationship with my father , honestly that issue seems dead to me at the moment . Hes promised so much and hasn't really done much to prove anything to me or tell me . All I seem to hear from him is sorry , sorry , sorry I cant help sorry I wasn't there , sorry. I know its ok and I have forgiven him for not being there , but honestly try to be here now . All you seem to do is ask for forgiveness but dont try to have a relationship with me. It buggs me a lot , that he does that . And people wonder how I love my mother more , shes been there for me through everything , broken hearts , sickness , and a failed engagement. Thats why shes apart of me being strong , and she also seems to keep me sane when others cant. But life is good , life seems to be up in the air at the moment , in not knowing where we will be in the fall or next spring or summer . We just got to play it by ear , and wait. 
And if we were ment for military life , All I have to say is bring it on. It may be hard for a while being apart but I know its all worth it . He is the one I love and the one I wait for . :> 
Well until next time 


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