Determined, Logical , Ready to Prove Myself
Somehow , I think a part of me died when I broke up with my ex. The part that believed in fairy tales and happy ever afters. The girl that use to believe in everyone , now is thinking when and how long will this feeling last? I fully believe now that love is another form of self harm. I hate thinking so dark , when I can be a positive person most days. Now im just looking to take care of myself , because honestly if you don't no one else will. I'm praying and hoping , I can get those wonderful words said to me once I apply for a job after college. " welcome to.." And that I am able to make my family proud , I've always felt that what I do isn't enough. And somehow most of the time I am proven right. People eventually stop talking and find something better , which is disappointing and it hurts. I'm so freaking tired of it most days and I cant stop it from happening. I use to be this girl who believed in the good of people. Now im just waiting for them to ...